Obsedenost Rated 7.1 / 10 based on 521 reviews.
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Countries=UK. Stars=Finn Wolfhard. Genre=Drama, Horror.
. synopsis=A young governess is hired by a man who has become responsible for his young nephew and niece after their parents' deaths. A modern take on Henry James' novella "The Turn of the Screw.". Liked It=2560 votes.
She needs beauty care.
Im scared to watch this😭.
ام علي الخطابه لزواج الشرعي/ ٠٥٥٧٢٧٢١٤٥/ سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.
Her shoulders must of hurt.
Me pjaijo tvoji uhančki veš 😍. Don't worry you are safe in the comment section. Just chill... Damn that mutilated moving corpse. AHHH NO EMILY FEILDS. 1:22 when u ask your brother to check your temperature in front of mother so u can not go to school. 2:56 & 5:24 same event but one ball rolling in bathroom has a liquid trail. Sooooo a rip off of “the autopsy of Jane doe”. Ive never seen this episode of castle. where is lanie.
Ilabit actually.💘.
That cracking sounds like chips. I nearly had an heart attack on this scary movie. Reminds me of The exorcism of Emily Rose.
I wanted to see this so bad, but the reviews have been awful, so now I have no desire. Obsedenost free hd LET'S WATCH Obsedenost ONLINE FULL… Obsedenost"ENG"SUB"DOWNLOAD. List of characters [ edit] 1 stroke [ edit] Simp. Trad. Pinyin English 一 yī one 乙 yǐ second 2 strokes [ edit] 二 èr two 十 shí ten 丁 dīng fourth 厂 廠 chǎng factory 七 qī seven 卜 bǔ foretell 蔔 bo radish 人 rén person 入 rù enter 八 bā eight 九 jiǔ nine 几 jǐ small table 幾 jī almost how many 儿 兒 ér son -r diminutive particle 了 liǎo finish 了, 瞭 understand le perfective particle 力 lì power 乃 nǎi then 刀 dāo knife 又 yòu again 3 strokes [ edit] 三 sān three 于 yú to, at, toward 於 in, on, at 干 gān shield, invade 乾 dry 幹 gàn do 亏 虧 kuī fail 士 shì scholar 工 gōng work 土 tǔ earth 才 cái talent 才, 纔 only 寸 cùn inch 下 xià down, descend 大 dà large 丈 zhàng ten feet 与 與 archaic discourse particle yǔ and, with yù participate 万 萬 wàn ten thousand 上 shàng up, ascend 小 xiǎo small 口 kǒu mouth 巾 jīn towel 山 shān mountain 千 qiān thousand 韆 swing ( playground) 乞 qǐ beg 川 chuān river 亿 億 yì hundred million 个 個 gè generic measure word 勺 sháo spoon 久 long time 凡 fán all, any, every 及 jí reach 夕 xī evening 丸 wán pill 么 麼 me interrogative particle 广 廣 guǎng wide 亡 wáng death 门 門 mén door 义 義 righteousness 之 zhī possessive particle 尸 尸, 屍 shī corpse 弓 bow 己 self 已 already 子 zǐ child 卫 衛 wèi guard 也 yě too, also 女 nǚ female 飞 飛 fēi fly 刃 rèn blade 习 習 xí practice, study 叉 chā fork 马 馬 mǎ horse 乡 鄉 xiāng rural 4 strokes [ edit] 丰 fēng lush, beautiful 豐 abundant 王 king 井 jǐng well, pit 开 開 kāi open 夫 fū male, husband 天 tiān sky, heaven 无 無 wú negative, lack 元 yuán first, head 专 專 zhuān monopolize 云 yún say 雲 cloud 扎 紮 zā tie, bind zhā military stationing pierce zhá pull up 艺 藝 art, talent 木 mù tree, wood 五 wǔ five 支 pay, support 厅 廳 tīng hall, central room 不 bù no, not 太 tài very, too, extreme 犬 quǎn dog 区 區 ōu a surname qū area, region 历 曆 calendar 歷 history 尤 yóu especially, particularly 友 yǒu friend 匹 pǐ measure word for horses 车 車 chē cart, vehicle jū the rook in Chinese chess 巨 jù 牙 yá tooth 屯 tún village 比 bǐ compare 互 hù mutually, reciprocally 切 qiē cut, slice qiè bite 瓦 wǎ tile 止 zhǐ stop 少 shǎo few, less shào young 日 rì sun, day 中 zhōng middle, center zhòng hit on target 冈 岡 gāng ridge 贝 貝 bèi seashell 内 內 nèi inside 水 shuǐ water 见 見 jiàn see, observe 午 noon 牛 niú cattle 手 shǒu hand 毛 máo hair, fur 气 氣 qì steam, vapor, air 升 shēng liter, rise 昇 rise 长 長 cháng long, length zhǎng leader, grow 仁 humanity, kindness 什 shén what file of ten soldiers 片 piàn slice, splinter, strip 仆 pū fall forward 僕 pú servant 化 huà change, convert, reform 仇 chóu hatred, vengeance 币 幣 bì currency 仍 réng yet, still, continuing 仅 僅 jǐn 斤 ax, shrewd 爪 zhuǎ claw, talon 反 fǎn reverse, opposite, anti 介 jiè lie between, wear armor 父 fù father 从 從 cóng from, since, through 今 now, today, modern 凶 xiōng culprit, murder 兇 fear 分 fēn divide fèn place, position 乏 fá lack, poor 公 fair, public, duke 仓 倉 cāng granary 月 yuè moon, month 氏 clan, family 勿 wù negative imperative 欠 qiàn yawn, lack, owe 风 風 wind 丹 dān cinnabar, vermilion 匀 勻 equal 乌 烏 wū crow, raven 凤 鳳 fèng male phoenix 勾 gōu hook, join, connect 文 wén literature, writing 六 liù six 方 fāng square, rectangle 火 huǒ fire, flame 为 為 wéi do, act, be for 斗 dǒu liquid measure 鬥 dòu fight 忆 憶 remember, memory 订 訂 dìng arrange 计 計 jì plan, plot, scheme 户 戶 door, family 认 認 recognize, know, understand 心 xīn heart, mind, soul 尺 chǐ foot (measurement) 引 yǐn pull, attract, stretch 丑 chǒu clown 醜 ugly 巴 greatly desire 孔 kǒng opening, hole, orifice 队 隊 duì team, group 办 辦 bàn manage, handle 以 therefore 允 yǔn allow, consent 予 give 劝 勸 quàn recommend, advise 双 雙 shuāng couple, both 书 書 shū book, letter, document 幻 huàn illusion, fantasy, mirage 5 strokes [ edit] 玉 jade 刊 kān publish 示 show 末 mò last 未 not yet 击 擊 hit 打 dǎ beat 巧 qiǎo smart, deft 正 zhēng first zhèng upright 扑 撲 hit, rush at 扒 peel pá dig 功 contribution, effect 扔 rēng toss 去 qù go 甘 sweet 世 generation, era, world 古 gǔ old 节 節 jié joint, season, festival 本 běn root, base 术 術 shù skill 朮 zhú sorghum 可 kě able 丙 bǐng third 左 zuǒ left 厉 厲 severe 右 right 石 stone 布 cloth, promulgate 布, 佈 spread, proclaim 龙 龍 lóng dragon 平 píng flat 灭 滅 miè extinguish 轧 軋 yà crush 东 東 dōng east 卡 kǎ checkpoint qiǎ strangle 北 běi north 占 zhān 占, 佔 zhàn occupy 业 業 yè profession 旧 舊 jiù old, used 帅 帥 shuài commander 归 歸 guī return 且 qiě moreover 旦 dàn dawn 目 eye 叶 葉 leaf 甲 jiǎ armor, first 申 shēn explain 叮 bite ( insect) 电 電 diàn lightning, electricity 号 號 háo cry loudly hào title, order, number 田 tián field 由 by 史 shǐ 只 隻 measure word for land animals 只, 祇 央 yāng center 兄 older brother 叼 diāo hold by biting 叫 jiào call out 另 lìng other 叨 overly talkative tāo overly 叹 嘆 tàn sigh, praise 歎 praise, sigh 四 sì four 生 grow, live, raw, unfamiliar 失 lose 禾 hé cereal 丘 qiū mound 付 give, pay 仗 weapon, battle 代 dài period, generation, replace 仙 仙, 僊 xiān immortal being 们 們 men plural marker 仪 儀 yí rule, rite, decorum 白 bái white 仔 zǎi careful 他 tā he 祂 He ( God) 斥 chì scold 瓜 guā melon 乎 hū 丛 叢 bushes 令 command 用 yòng use 甩 shuǎi fling 印 yìn seal, mark 乐 樂 lè joyful music 句 sentence 匆 cōng hurried 册 冊 cè booklet 犯 fàn encroach, break (a law) 外 wài outside 处 處 chǔ stay chù place 冬 winter 鼕 onomatopoeia, e. g. sound of drums 鸟 鳥 niǎo bird 务 務 task, duty 包 bāo bag, wrap 饥 飢 hunger 饑, 飢 year of poor harvest 主 zhǔ master, host, control 市 market, city 立 stand 闪 閃 shǎn twinkle 兰 蘭 lán orchid 半 half 汁 juice 汇 匯 huì confluence 彙 头 頭 tóu head 汉 漢 hàn Han Chinese 宁 寧 níng tranquil 穴 xué hole 它 牠 it ( animate) it ( inanimate) 讨 討 tǎo ask for 写 寫 xiě write 让 讓 ràng let 礼 禮 lǐ rite, courtesy 训 訓 xùn lecture, train 必 must 议 議 discuss 讯 訊 information 记 記 remember 永 yǒng eternal 司 sī manage, agency 尼 ní nun 民 mín people 出 chū go out 齣 piece of drama 辽 遼 liáo distant, expansive 奶 milk 奴 nú slave 加 jiā add 召 zhāo call for 皮 pí skin, hide 边 邊 biān side, border 发 發 fā launch, start, distribute 髮 fà hair ( human and on the head) 孕 yùn pregnant 圣 聖 shèng holy 对 對 reply, toward, pair, correct 台 臺, 台 tái platform 檯 tabletop 颱 typhoon I (archaic) 矛 spear 纠 糾 jiū tangle 母 mǔ mother 幼 infant 丝 絲 silk 6 strokes [ edit] 式 ceremony, type 刑 xíng judicial punishment 动 動 dòng move 扛 káng carry on one's shoulders 寺 temple 吉 auspicious 扣 kòu latch, reduce 考 kǎo examination 托 tuō hold up 老 lǎo 执 執 zhí hold, control 巩 鞏 gǒng reinforce 圾 garbage 扩 擴 kuò expand 扫 掃 sǎo sweep 地 dì ground 扬 揚 yáng raise, show 场 場 plaza, place 耳 ěr wikt:ear 共 gòng together 芒 máng awn, ray 亚 亞 secondary 芝 lingzhi 朽 xiǔ rotten 朴 樸 pǔ real, natural 机 alder 機 occasion, machine 权 權 quán power, right 过 過 guò pass, mistake, experiental aspect 臣 chén official 再 zài 协 協 xié cooperate 西 west 压 壓 yā press 厌 厭 yàn dislike 在 at, wikt:in 有 have, own 百 bǎi wikt:hundred 存 cún exist, store 而 and, also 页 頁 wikt:page 匠 jiàng craftsman 夸 kuā boast, arrogance 誇 exaggerate, praise 夺 奪 duó rob, take away from 灰 huī ash, gray 达 達 dá arrive 列 liè rank, file 死 sǐ die 成 chéng succeed, complete 夹 夾 squeeze, clip jiá lined ( clothing) 轨 軌 guǐ gauge, track 邪 sinister 划 huá paddle 劃 slice, scratch draw, plan 迈 邁 mài stride 毕 畢 end 至 zhì 此 cǐ this 贞 貞 zhēn virginity 师 師 teacher, army 尘 塵 wikt:dust 尖 jiān acute 劣 weak, inferior 光 guāng light, glory, bare, finish 当 當 dāng take a role, facing dàng apt, pawn, trickery 早 zǎo morning, early 吐 spit, eject tù vomit 吓 嚇 hè intimidate fear, cause fear 虫 蟲 chóng bug, insect 曲 bend, bent qǔ melody, song 团 團 tuán ball, group 同 tóng wikt:same 吊 diào wikt:hang 弔, 吊 pay respects to the dead 吃 吃, 喫 chī eat 因 yīn reason, because 吸 inhale 吗 嗎 ma Interrogative particle 屿 嶼 small island 帆 fān sail 岁 歲 suì year, age 回 huí return, times 迴 turn, return 岂 豈 how could 刚 剛 just now 则 則 zé rule, then 肉 ròu flesh, meat 网 網 wǎng net 年 年, 秊 nián year 朱 zhū deep red 先 earlier 丢 丟 diū 舌 shé tongue 竹 bamboo 迁 遷 relocate 乔 喬 qiáo pretend 伟 偉 wěi great 传 傳 chuán transfer, transmit zhuàn records, biography 乒 pīng ping(pong) 乓 pāng (ping)pong 休 xiū rest 伍 military, five 伏 fú lie on one's stomach, give in 优 優 yōu excellent 伐 chop ( trees) 延 yán extend 件 component 任 duty, delegate 伤 傷 shāng injure 价 價 jià price 份 portion 华 華 flourish, China 仰 yǎng raise head 仿 fǎng imitate 伙 伙, 夥 group of people 伪 偽 false, illegitimate 自 zì 血 xuè blood 向 xiàng toward, direction 嚮 toward, guide 似 similar 后 hòu queen, empress 後 after, after 行 háng row, rank, business walk, move 舟 zhōu boat 全 whole, all 会 會 kuài calculate huǐ a while meet, group, meeting, able 杀 殺 shā kill 合 close, gather 兆 zhào omen, trillion 企 tiptoe, look forward to 众 眾 crowd 爷 爺 yé grandfather, lord 伞 傘 sǎn umbrella 创 創 chuāng wound chuàng create 肌 flesh, muscle 朵 duǒ flower, measure word for flowers 杂 雜 zá mixed, complex 危 wēi danger 旬 xún ten days, ten years 旨 will, decree 负 負 bear, betray, lose 各 each 名 míng name, fame 多 duō many 争 爭 dispute 色 sè color, expression, sexual desire shǎi dice 壮 壯 zhuàng robust, gallant 冲 沖 chōng flush, surge, deep 衝 charge, surge, thoroughfare 冰 bīng ice 庄 莊 zhuāng solemn, village, villa 庆 慶 qìng celebrate 亦 also 刘 劉 liú Liu (a surname) 齐 齊 qí aligned, neat, together 交 jiāo cross, give, meet 次 cì.., iteration 衣 clothing 产 產 chǎn produce, property 决 決 jué dredge, burst, decide 充 fill 妄 wàng absurdly, randomly 闭 閉 close, end 问 問 wèn ask 闯 闖 chuǎng rush forcefully 羊 sheep, goat 并 Shanxi province 併 bìng merge 並 equally, on a level with 关 關 guān close, turn off, mountain pass 米 mǐ rice grain 灯 燈 dēng lamp 州 state, prefecture 汗 hán khan sweat 污 汙 dirty, sewage 江 jiāng great river 池 chí pond 汤 湯 tāng soup 忙 busy 兴 興 xīng create, prosper xìng interest, happy 宇 house, universe 守 宅 zhái residence 字 Chinese character 安 ān peaceful 讲 講 jiǎng speak 军 軍 jūn military 许 許 xǔ promise, very 论 論 lùn discuss, describe 农 農 nóng agriculture, farmer 讽 諷 fěng satire 设 設 shè establish 访 訪 visit 寻 尋 seek 那 nà that that one 迅 rapid 尽 儘 as much as possible 盡 jìn end, use up 导 導 dǎo guide, conduct 异 異 different 孙 孫 sūn grandson 阵 陣 zhèn a while, formation 阳 陽 bright, positive, Yang 收 shōu receive, obtain 阶 階 jiē steps 阴 陰 dark, negative, Yin 防 fáng defend 奸 sinister, traitor 姦 rape, adultery 如 rú as if, if 妇 婦 married wikt:woman 好 hǎo good to like 她 she 妈 媽 mā mom 戏 戲 xì play ( games); play ( drama) 羽 feather 观 觀 to watch guàn Taoist temple 欢 歡 joy 买 買 mǎi buy 红 紅 hóng red 纤 縴 towline 纖 delicate 级 級 level 约 約 yuē constrain, promise, approximately 纪 紀 rule, eon 驰 馳 run fast ( horses, vehicles) 巡 make a touring inspection 7 strokes [ edit] 寿 壽 shòu longevity 弄 nòng fiddle 麦 麥 wheat, barley 形 shape 进 進 advance 戒 warn 吞 tūn swallow 远 遠 yuǎn far 违 違 break a rule 运 運 transport 扶 hold onto 抚 撫 fǔ touch softly 坛 壇 tán altar 技 坏 壞 huài bad 扰 擾 rǎo disturb 拒 refuse 找 zhǎo 批 pī comment 扯 chě pull 址 location 走 zǒu run, walk 抄 chāo copy 坝 壩 bà dam 贡 貢 tribute 攻 attack 赤 wikt:red 折 zhé bend, lose 摺 bend, fold 抓 zhuā grab 扮 makeup 抢 搶 qiǎng rob 孝 xiào filial piety 均 equalized 抛 pāo throw 投 坟 墳 fén grave 抗 kàng resist 坑 kēng trough 坊 street, shop 抖 shake 护 護 protect 壳 殼 ké shell 志 ambition 誌 records 扭 niǔ twist 块 塊 chunk 声 聲 sound 把 bǎ hold, direct object marker 报 報 bào report 却 卻 què but 劫 芽 plant shoot 花 huā flower 芹 qín celery 芬 fragrance 苍 蒼 deep blue, deep green, gray 芳 严 嚴 芦 蘆 lú reed 劳 勞 láo labor 克 kè defeat 剋 exploit, limit 苏 蘇 sū perilla, wake 甦 wikt:wake, revive 杆 rod 桿 gǎn 杠 flagpole 槓 gàng thick rod 杜 dù obstruct 材 material 村 cūn 杏 apricot 极 極 extreme 李 plum 杨 楊 poplar 求 qiú 更 gēng change gèng more 束 bind 豆 bean 两 兩 liǎng 丽 麗 beautiful 医 醫 doctor 辰 star 励 勵 encourage 否 fǒu is not 还 還 hái still, yet huán give back 歼 殲 annihilate 来 來 lái come 连 連 lián connect 步 wikt:step 坚 堅 hard 旱 drought 盯 stare 呈 to present 时 時 time 吴 吳 Wu (region) 助 zhù help 县 縣 xiàn county 里 community 裡, 裏 呆 dāi slow - witted 园 園 garden 旷 曠 kuàng spacious 围 圍 surround 呀 ya discourse particle 吨 噸 dūn ton 足 zú foot, sufficient 邮 郵 mail 男 nán male 困 kùn trapped 睏 sleepy 吵 chǎo make noise, quarrel 串 chuàn string of objects 员 員 member, personnel 听 聽 listen 吩 instruct 吹 chuī blow 呜 嗚 onomatopoeia (for crying, etc. ) 吧 bar ( establishment) ba 吼 hǒu roar 别 別 bié wikt:other 彆 biè bend 岗 崗 gǎng sentry 帐 帳 canopy 财 財 money 针 針 needle 钉 釘 nail, peg 告 gào tell 我 wǒ I 乱 亂 luàn messy 利 benefit 秃 tū bald 秀 xiù pretty 私 private 每 měi every 兵 soldier 估 gū estimate 体 體 tǐ body 何 但 伸 作 zuò make 伯 bó father's elder brother 伶 líng nimble 佣 commission 傭 yōng 低 dī low 你 nǐ you ( male) 妳 you ( female) 住 inhabit 位 position 伴 wikt:accompany 身 皂 zào soap 佛 fó Buddha 近 near 彻 徹 chè complete 役 military service 返 余 餘 leftover 希 hope 坐 sit 谷 valley 穀 grains, cereals 妥 tuǒ appropriate 含 contain 邻 鄰 lín neighbor 岔 chà fork (in a ridge, road, etc. ) 肝 liver 肚 abdomen 肠 腸 intestines 龟 龜 tortoise 免 miǎn exempt 狂 kuáng crazy 犹 猶 as if 角 jiǎo horn, angle role 删 刪 delete 条 條 tiáo strip, twig 卵 luǎn egg 岛 島 island 迎 yíng welcome 饭 飯 meal 饮 飲 drink 系 link, succession 係 link 繫 言 speech 冻 凍 freeze 状 狀 form 亩 畝 acre 况 況 situation 床 chuáng bed 库 庫 kù store 疗 療 treatment 应 應 yīng should, ought yìng answer 冷 lěng cold 这 這 zhè zhèi this one 序 xù rank 辛 hardship 弃 棄 abandon 冶 metalworking 忘 forget 闲 閒 xián idle 间 間 between, space space, spy 闷 悶 mēn smother mèn unhappy 判 pàn judge 灶 hearth 灿 燦 càn dazzling 弟 younger brother 汪 wāng expanse 沙 sand 汽 steam 沃 wò fertile 泛 float, general 沟 溝 ditch 没 沒 méi without submerge 沈 shěn Shen (a surname) 瀋 Shenyang (a city) 沉 沉, 沈 sink 怀 懷 huái bosom, yearn 忧 憂 worry 快 fast, glad 完 宋 sòng Song (a surname), Song Dynasty 宏 grand 牢 jail 究 investigate 穷 窮 qióng poor 灾 災 zāi disaster 良 liáng 证 證 proof 启 啟 begin 评 評 补 補 patch 初 initial 社 organization 识 識 know 诉 訴 sù wikt:tell 诊 診 zhěn diagnose 词 詞 cí word 译 譯 translate 君 sovereign 灵 靈 spirit 即 namely, suddenly, approaching 层 層 céng 尿 niào urine 尾 tail 迟 遲 late 局 jú agency 改 gǎi rectify 张 張 zhāng 忌 hate, fear 际 際 edge 陆 陸 lù dry land 阿 ā familiar prefix for kinship terms ē pander 陈 陳 antiquated 阻 zǔ 附 adhere 妙 miào ingenious 妖 yāo monster 妨 harm 努 nǔ exert 忍 rěn endure 劲 勁 effort jìng powerful 鸡 雞 chicken 驱 驅 drive (an animal) 纯 純 chún pure 纱 紗 纳 納 accept 纲 綱 outline 驳 駁 rebut 纵 縱 zòng let loose 纷 紛 纸 紙 paper 纹 紋 fabric patterns 纺 紡 spin fabric 驴 驢 lǘ donkey 纽 紐 button 8 strokes [ edit] 奉 offer 玩 play 环 環 ring 武 martial 青 qīng green, blue 责 責 chastise 现 現 appear 表 biǎo surface 錶 watch ( time - keeping) 规 規 rule 抹 wipe mǒ smear daub 拢 攏 lǒng draw together 拔 bá pull outward 拣 揀 jiǎn select 担 擔 carry on a shoulder pole shoulder pole 坦 tǎn 押 signature 抽 chōu pull out from between 拐 guǎi abduct 拖 drag 拍 pāi clap 者 zhě agent noun suffix 顶 頂 dǐng summit 拆 chāi demolish 拥 擁 own 抵 dǐ withstand 拘 custody 势 勢 抱 hug 垃 lā 拉 拦 攔 block 拌 mix 幸 lucky 招 beckon 坡 pō slope 披 drape 拨 撥 bō stir 择 擇 choose 抬 抬, 擡 raise 其 取 take 苦 kǔ bitter 若 ruò if 茂 mào verdant 苹 蘋 apple 苗 miáo seedling 英 outstanding 范 Fan (a surname) 範 model 直 straight 茄 qié eggplant 茎 莖 jīng stem 茅 thatch 林 forest 枝 branch 杯 bēi cup 盃 trophy 柜 櫃 guì closet 析 break down 板 bǎn board 闆 boss 松 sōng pine 鬆 loose 枪 槍 qiāng gun 构 構 gòu structure 杰 傑, 杰 述 describe 枕 pillow 丧 喪 sāng matters regarding the dead sàng 或 huò or 画 畫 draw 卧 臥, 卧 lie down 事 matter 刺 cì prick 枣 棗 jujube 雨 rain 卖 賣 sell 矿 礦 mineral 码 碼 tally 厕 廁 toilet 奔 bēn run 奇 odd ( not even) strange 奋 奮 态 態 欧 歐 Europe 垄 壟 妻 wife 轰 轟 hōng loud noise 顷 頃 qǐng moment 转 轉 zhuǎn turn change revolve, stroll 斩 斬 zhǎn chop 轮 輪 lún wheel 软 軟 ruǎn soft 到 dào 非 叔 father's younger brother 肯 kěn willing 齿 齒 些 xiē some 虎 hǔ tiger 虏 虜 lǔ capture 肾 腎 shèn kidney 贤 賢 sage 尚 yet 旺 prosper 具 tool 果 guǒ fruit 味 taste 昆 kūn 崑 Kunlun, Kunshan 国 國 guó country 昌 chāng bright 畅 暢 chàng unimpeded 明 易 easy 昂 áng hold high 典 diǎn ceremony 固 gù firm 忠 loyal 咐 呼 exhale 鸣 鳴 make sound 咏 詠 sing 呢 ne 岸 àn shore 岩 rock 巖, 岩 cliff 帖 tiē obedient tiě document tiè copy (for calligraphy practice) 罗 羅 luó 帜 幟 flag 岭 嶺 lǐng mountain range 凯 凱 kǎi triumphal 败 敗 bài 贩 販 vend 购 購 purchase 图 圖 tú picture 钓 釣 to fish 制 law 製 manufacture 知 垂 chuí drop 牧 to herd 物 thing 乖 guāi well-behaved 刮 shave 颳 gust ( wind) 秆 稈 plant stalk 和 harmony, and follow hú win at Mahjong huó blend 季 season 委 delegate 佳 侍 供 supply 使 cause 例 example 版 slab 侄 姪 brother's child 侦 偵 spy on 侧 側 side 凭 憑 lean 侨 僑 expatriate 佩 pèi wear on one’s clothing, belt etc. 货 貨 goods 依 的 de possessive and nominalization particle dí wikt:indeed aim 迫 pò compel 质 質 hostage, material 欣 征 expedition 徵 amass 往 towards 爬 crawl 彼 径 徑 path 所 suǒ 舍 dwelling 捨, 舍 shě relinquish 金 gold 命 mìng life 斧 ax 爸 dad 采 cǎi color 採, 采 pick, pluck 受 receive 乳 rǔ 贪 貪 tān greedy 念 niàn miss ( remember) 唸, 念 read 贫 貧 pín impoverished 肤 膚 skin 肺 fèi lung 肢 limb 肿 腫 zhǒng swell (on the body) 胀 脹 朋 péng 股 thigh 肥 féi fat 服 胁 脅 threat 周 surround, Zhou Dynasty 週 week, surround 昏 hūn dim 鱼 魚 fish 兔 rabbit 狐 fox 忽 overlook 狗 gǒu 备 備 prepare 饰 飾 decorate 饱 飽 bǎo full (after eating) 饲 飼 to rear 变 變 biàn 京 capital city 享 xiǎng enjoy 店 shop 夜 night 庙 廟 府 government office 底 bottom 剂 劑 dose 郊 suburb 废 廢 waste 净 淨 clean 盲 blind 放 fàng release 刻 carve 育 cultivate 闸 閘 floodgate 闹 鬧 nào make noise 郑 鄭 Zheng (a surname); Zhengzhou 券 coupon 卷 juǎn roller juàn scroll 捲, 卷 roll 单 單 single 炒 stirfry 炊 cook on a fire 炕 heated brick bed 炎 heat 炉 爐 stove 沫 foam 浅 淺 qiǎn shallow 法 way (to do something) fǎ law, way, technique 泄 洩, 泄 xiè leak 河 沾 abundant, soak 霑, 沾 moisten 泪 淚 lèi tear (from the eyes) 油 oil 泊 to berth (a boat), to park (a car) 沿 along 泡 measure word for excreta pào bubble 注 pour 註, 注 annotate 泻 瀉 gush 泳 swim 泥 mud 沸 boil 波 wave 泼 潑 splash 泽 澤 swamp 治 govern 怖 fearsome 性 characteristic 怕 pà afraid 怜 憐 pity 怪 guài 学 學 learn 宝 寶 treasure 宗 zōng ancestor 定 fix 宜 suitable 审 審 try (at a trial) 宙 zhòu universe 官 government official 空 kōng empty 帘 簾 screen 实 實 filled 试 試 attempt 郎 láng young man 诗 詩 poem 肩 shoulder 房 house 诚 誠 honest 衬 襯 chèn to line (e. clothing) 衫 视 視 see 话 話 诞 誕 birth 询 詢 inquire 该 該 gāi 详 詳 xiáng detailed 建 肃 肅 solemn 录 錄 record 隶 隸 subordinate 居 届 屆 measure word for events 刷 shuā brush 屈 弦 string (of bows, musical instruments) 承 孟 mèng eldest 孤 orphan 陕 陝 Shaanxi province 降 descend surrender 限 limit 妹 mèi younger sister 姑 father's sister 姐 jiě older sister 姓 surname 始 start 驾 駕 to drive ( cars, carts, etc. ) 参 參 cān ginseng 艰 艱 difficult 线 線 line 练 練 liàn practice 组 組 group 细 細 thin (not thick) 驶 駛 speedy 织 織 weave 终 終 驻 駐 驼 駝 tuó camel 绍 紹 continue 经 經 warp (in weaving) 贯 貫 string together 9 strokes [ edit] 奏 zòu play (a musical instrument) 春 chūn spring ( season) 帮 幫 bāng 珍 precious 玻 glass 毒 dú poison 型 挂 掛 guà hang 封 to seal 持 hold 项 項 neck 垮 kuǎ collapse 挎 kuà carry under one's arm 城 city 挠 撓 náo 政 politics 赴 go toward 赵 趙 Zhao (a surname) 挡 擋 dǎng to block 挺 tǐng prop up 括 include 拴 shuān 拾 pick up 挑 tiāo tiǎo 指 finger 垫 墊 cushion 挣 掙 struggle earn 挤 擠 cram 拼 pīn combine 挖 wā 按 挥 揮 to wave 挪 nuó shift 某 mǒu some, certain 甚 quite 革 gé leather 荐 薦 recommend 巷 alley 带 帶 belt 草 cǎo grass 茧 繭 cocoon 茶 chá tea 荒 huāng barren 茫 expansive 荡 蕩 swing 荣 榮 róng glory 故 past 胡 anyhow 南 south 药 藥 yào medicine 标 標 biāo signage 枯 kū wilt 柄 handle 栋 棟 building 相 reciprocal minister 查 柏 cypress 柳 liǔ willow 柱 pillar 柿 persimmon 栏 欄 railing 树 樹 tree 要 demand want 咸 all 鹹 salty 威 awe 歪 wāi crooked 研 research 砖 磚 brick 厘 釐 lí unit of measurement 厚 thick 砌 lay bricks 砍 kǎn 面 miàn face 麵 noodles 耐 nài tolerate 耍 shuǎ play around 牵 牽 残 殘 cán injured 殃 轻 輕 light (not heavy) 鸦 鴉 crow 皆 背 back (of the body) 背, 揹 carry on one's back 战 戰 battle 点 點 dot 临 臨 to face 览 覽 lǎn view 竖 竪 vertical 省 shěng omit xǐng wake 削 xiāo, xuē 尝 嘗 to taste 是 be 盼 anticipate 眨 blink 哄 hǒng coax 显 顯 xiǎn 哑 啞 yǎ mute 冒 emanate 映 reflect 星 昨 zuó yesterday 畏 趴 pā line prone 胃 stomach 贵 貴 界 boundary 虹 rainbow 虾 蝦 xiā shrimp 蚁 蟻 ant 思 think 蚂 螞 mǎ, mà (combining syllable for insects) 虽 雖 suī although 品 pǐn product 咽 嚥 骂 罵 mà 哗 嘩 onomatopoeia 譁 咱 zán we (inclusive) 响 響 loud 哈 hā 咬 yǎo 咳 cough 哪 nǎ which něi 炭 charcoal 峡 峽 xiá gorge 罚 罰 punish 贱 賤 worthless 贴 貼 to stick 骨 bone 钞 鈔 钟 鍾 vessel 鐘 clock 钢 鋼 steel 钥 鑰 key 钩 鈎 hook 卸 unload 缸 vat 拜 worship 看 watch over kàn look 矩 jǔ regulation 怎 zěn how 牲 livestock 选 選 xuǎn 适 適 秒 miǎo second (unit) 香 种 種 seed to plant 秋 autumn 鞦 swing (playground) 科 kē subject 重 double heavy 复 復 複 complex 竿 bamboo pole 段 duàn segment 便 convenient pián cheap 俩 倆 liǎ 贷 貸 loan 顺 順 shùn smooth 修 repair 保 促 cù facilitate 侮 humiliate 俭 儉 thrift 俗 sú tradition 俘 captive 信 xìn trust 皇 huáng emperor 泉 spring (water source) 鬼 ghost 侵 qīn invade 追 zhuī chase 俊 jùn handsome 盾 dùn shield 待 wait 律 lǜ 很 hěn very 须 須 xū 鬚 beard 叙 敘 account 剑 劍 sword 逃 táo flee 食 盆 pén basin 胆 膽 dǎn gall bladder 胜 勝 win 胞 compatriot 胖 pàng 脉 脈 artery 勉 狭 狹 narrow 狮 獅 lion 独 獨 separate 狡 sly 狱 獄 prison 狠 ruthless 贸 貿 trade 怨 yuàn grudge 急 hurry 饶 饒 ráo spare (e. a life) 蚀 蝕 eclipse 饺 餃 dumpling 饼 餅 biscuit 弯 彎 wān curve 将 將 general (military) 奖 獎 prize 哀 āi sad 亭 tíng pavilion 亮 liàng 度 degree 迹 跡 trace 庭 yard 疮 瘡 ulcer 疯 瘋 疫 disease 疤 scar 姿 zī posture 亲 親 familial 音 帝 施 carry out 闻 聞 hear 阀 閥 warlord 阁 閣 pagoda 差 difference messenger 养 養 美 beauty 姜 薑 ginger 叛 rebel 送 send 类 類 type 迷 mí to entrance 前 qián front 首 逆 nì reverse 总 總 zǒng overall 炼 煉 smelt 炸 fry zhà explode 炮 炮, 砲 cannon 烂 爛 làn rot 剃 tì 洁 潔 洪 flood 洒 灑 sǎ sprinkle 浇 澆 to water 浊 濁 zhuó muddy 洞 测 測 measure 洗 xǐ wash 活 alive 派 pài dispatch 洽 qià harmony 染 rǎn dye 济 濟 assist 洋 ocean 洲 continent 浑 渾 hún turbid 浓 濃 dense 津 ford 恒 恆 héng 恢 restore 恰 exact 恼 惱 nǎo anger 恨 hèn hatred 举 舉 觉 覺 sleep aware 宣 xuān announce 室 room 宫 宮 palace 宪 憲 constitution 突 protrude 穿 wear 窃 竊 steal 客 guest 冠 crown to crown 语 語 language 扁 biǎn 袄 襖 ǎo coat 祖 神 god 祝 congratulate 误 誤 err 诱 誘 tempt 说 說 shuō 诵 誦 recite 垦 墾 退 tuì retreat 既 since 屋 昼 晝 daytime 费 費 spend 陡 steep 眉 eyebrow 孩 除 chú remove 险 險 院 courtyard 娃 wá 姥 grandmother (maternal) 姨 aunt (mother's sister) 姻 marriage 娇 嬌 squeamish 怒 nù 架 shelf 贺 賀 盈 full 勇 brave 怠 柔 róu 垒 壘 lěi pile 绑 綁 bǎng to tie 绒 絨 down (material) 结 結 knot 绕 繞 rào coil 骄 驕 arrogant 绘 繪 to draw 给 給 gěi 络 絡 luò network 骆 駱 绝 絕 绞 絞 wring 统 統 tǒng unify 10 strokes [ edit] 耕 耗 expend 艳 艷 colorful 泰 珠 pearl 班 bān class 素 plain 蚕 蠶 silkworm 顽 頑 tenacious 盏 盞 匪 fěi bandit 捞 撈 lāo dredge 栽 捕 catch 振 载 載 carry 赶 趕 起 盐 鹽 salt 捎 shāo pass 捏 niē squeeze 埋 mái bury 捉 zhuō 捆 kǔn 捐 juān donate 损 損 sǔn damage 都 dōu dū capital 哲 philosophy 逝 pass away 捡 撿 换 換 exchange 挽 wǎn 热 熱 rè hot 恐 壶 壺 kettle 挨 to bear 耻 恥 shame 耽 delay 恭 deference 莲 蓮 lotus 莫 not 荷 获 獲 quarry 穫 harvest 晋 晉 恶 惡 è evil 真 real 框 frame 桂 cinnamon 档 檔 桐 candlenut 株 stump 桥 橋 bridge 桃 peach 格 pane 校 proofread school 核 core 样 樣 yàng likeness 根 gēn root 索 rope 哥 gē elder brother 速 speed 逗 halt 栗 chestnut 配 match up 翅 wing 辱 insult 唇 lip 夏 summer 础 礎 fundamental 破 break 原 plains 套 tào sheath 逐 烈 harsh 殊 sever 顾 顧 look behind 轿 轎 sedan 较 較 顿 頓 kowtow 毙 斃 致 柴 chái firewood 桌 table 虑 慮 consider 监 監 紧 緊 tight 党 黨 political party 晒 曬 shài to sun 眠 mián 晓 曉 鸭 鴨 duck 晃 huǎng shimmer huàng 晌 shǎng 晕 暈 yūn dizzy 蚊 mosquito 哨 哭 cry 恩 ēn favor 唤 喚 call 啊 a ah 唉 sigh 罢 罷 give up 峰 peak 圆 圓 circle 贼 賊 zéi thief 贿 賄 bribe 钱 錢 钳 鉗 clamp 钻 鑽 zuān drill zuàn diamond 铁 鐵 iron 铃 鈴 bell 铅 鉛 lead 缺 quē lack 氧 oxygen 特 tè special 牺 犧 sacrifice 造 乘 ride chèng vehicle 敌 敵 enemy 秤 steelyard 租 zū rent 积 積 accumulate 秧 秩 order 称 稱 chēng to address weigh 秘 mì secret 透 tòu thorough 笔 筆 writing brush 笑 laugh 笋 筍 bamboo shoot 债 債 zhài debt 借 borrow 值 worth 倚 lean (on) 倾 傾 倒 fall over 倘 tǎng 俱 倡 promote 候 俯 倍 fold (2-, 3- etc. ) 倦 tired 健 healthy 臭 chòu odor 射 shoot 躬 to bow 息 breath 徒 walk 徐 xú gradual 舰 艦 ship 舱 艙 cabin 般 manner 航 voyage 途 route 拿 ná 爹 diē 爱 愛 ài love 颂 頌 ode 翁 wēng old man 脆 cuì crispy 脂 胸 chest 胳 armpit 脏 髒 zāng dirty 臟 zàng organ 胶 膠 glue 脑 腦 brain 狸 leopard cat 狼 wolf 逢 féng meet 留 remain 皱 皺 wrinkle 饿 餓 hungry 恋 戀 romance 桨 槳 oar 浆 漿 liquid 衰 shuāi decline 高 gāo high 席 seat 准 zhǔn allow 準 accurate 座 脊 spine 症 symptom 病 illness 疾 疼 téng pain 疲 fatigue 效 result 离 離 depart 唐 táng Tang dynasty 资 資 fund 凉 涼 chill 站 剖 pōu cut open 竞 競 部 pù part 旁 páng beside 旅 lǚ journey 畜 阅 閲 羞 shy 瓶 bottle 拳 fist 粉 fěn powder 料 liào 益 兼 annex 烤 roast 烘 to dry by heat 烦 煩 annoy 烧 燒 burn 烛 燭 candle 烟 煙, 菸 yān smoke 递 遞 deliver 涛 濤 浙 Zhejiang 涝 澇 lào 酒 alcohol 涉 wade 消 xiāo disappear 浩 vast 海 hǎi sea 涂 塗 浴 bath 浮 float 流 flow 润 潤 rùn moist 浪 làng 浸 soak 涨 漲 烫 燙 tàng scald 涌 湧 surge 悟 realise 悄 qiāo quiet 悔 regret 悦 悅 glad 害 hài 宽 寬 kuān wid 家 home 傢 fellow 宵 宴 banquet 宾 賓 bīn 窄 zhǎi 容 accommodate 宰 butcher 案 desk 请 請 invite 朗 lǎng 诸 諸 读 讀 扇 shàn fan 搧 to fan 袜 襪 wà sock 袖 sleeve 袍 páo robe 被 quilt 祥 课 課 lesson 谁 誰 shéi who 调 調 transfer adjust 冤 yuān injustice 谅 諒 forgive 谈 談 谊 誼 friendship 剥 剝 bō, bāo 恳 懇 sincere 展 剧 劇 drama 屑 scraps 弱 weak 陵 陶 pottery 陷 陪 péi accompany 娱 娛 entertain 娘 niáng woman 通 tōng 能 néng 难 難 nàn 预 預 beforehand 桑 mulberry 绢 絹 绣 繡 embroider 验 驗 experience 继 繼 11 strokes [ edit] 球 ball, sphere 理 reason, logic, science 捧 pěng hold in two hands 堵 dǔ 描 depict, trace 域 land, area 掩 yǎn cover, ambush 捷 win, victory 排 pái line up 掉 drop, fall 堆 duī pile, crowd 推 tuī push 掀 lift 授 teach, give 教 teach teaching 掏 take out 掠 lüè plunder 培 接 extend, connect, receive 控 kòng accuse 探 search 据 據 掘 职 職 office, duty 基 foundation, base 著 obvious, author 勒 constrain lēi 黄 黃 yellow 萌 méng sprout 萝 蘿 turnip 菌 mushroom, microbe 菜 cài vegatable 萄 grape 菊 chrysanthemum 萍 duckweed 菠 spinach 营 營 army 械 weapon, tool 梦 夢 dream 梢 tip of branch 梅 plum, prune 检 檢 check, examine 梳 comb, brush 梯 tī ladder, stair 桶 pail, bucket, tub 救 save, rescue, help 副 票 piào ticket 戚 relative 爽 shuǎng cheerful, straightforward 聋 聾 deaf 袭 襲 raid, inherit 盛 雪 xuě snow 辅 輔 辆 輛 measure word for vehicles 虚 虛 empty, false 雀 sparrow 堂 常 common, frequent 匙 晨 睁 睜 open eyes 眯 瞇 mī squint 眼 悬 懸 xuán 野 field, wilderness 啦 la assertive particle 晚 evening, night, late 啄 peck 距 distance 跃 躍 jump 略 plan, outline, summary 蛇 snake 累 唱 sing, song 患 suffer 唯 崖 yái precipice 崭 嶄 steep peak 崇 honor 圈 quān 铜 銅 copper, brass 铲 鏟 shovel 银 銀 yín silver 甜 梨 pear 犁 plow 移 move, change 笨 bèn stupid, clumsy 笼 籠 cage 笛 flute 符 symbol 第 number 敏 mǐn fast, clever 做 do, make 袋 pocket, bag 悠 long time, far 偿 償 repay 偶 ǒu accidentally, idol 偷 tōu steal, thief 您 nín you ( honorific) 售 停 偏 piān slant 假 false holiday 得 dé obtain Post- verb particle děi 衔 銜 hold in mouth 盘 盤 pán plate 船 斜 盒 box 鸽 鴿 pigeon, dove 悉 欲 desire, want 慾 physical desire, any desire in general 彩 领 領 脚 腳 foot 脖 脸 臉 liǎn 脱 脫 take off 象 elephant 够 夠 enough 猜 cāi guess 猪 豬 pig 猎 獵 hunt 猫 貓 māo cat 猛 měng violent, cruel 馅 餡 filling, stuffing 馆 館 guǎn public building 凑 湊 còu assemble 减 減 decrease 毫 hair 麻 má hemp 痒 癢 itch 痕 hén 廊 porch 康 kāng 庸 usual 鹿 deer 盗 盜 章 chapter, section 竟 finally 商 commerce 族 clan, tribe, ethnicity 旋 revolve xuàn revolving 望 率 rate 着 move ( board games), tactic zháo catch fire, feel, touch zhe progressive particle wear, attach 盖 蓋 gài cover 粘 viscous 粗 cū rough, thick, rude 粒 grain 断 斷 interrupt 剪 scissors 兽 獸 beast 清 clear 添 increase 淋 淹 drown 渠 qú ditch, canal, gutter 渐 漸 gradually 混 hùn 渔 漁 fisherman 淘 cleanse, eliminate 液 淡 tasteless 深 deep 婆 pó grandmother 梁 beam of roof, bridge 渗 滲 seep 情 qíng feeling 惜 pity, regret 惭 慚 悼 grieve 惧 懼 惕 cautious 惊 驚 frighten 惨 慘 cǎn cruel 惯 慣 habit, custom 寇 bandit, enemy 寄 宿 stay overnight Chinese constellation overnight stay 窑 窯 yáo kiln 密 谋 謀 móu plan 谎 謊 lie 祸 禍 谜 謎 riddle 逮 seize 敢 屠 弹 彈 pellet, bullet bounce 随 隨 suí 蛋 隆 隐 隱 hide 婚 婶 嬸 wife of father 's younger brother 颈 頸 neck, throat 绩 績 spin 绪 緒 clue 续 續 continue, success 骑 騎 绳 繩 shéng 维 維 maintain 绵 綿 cotton 绸 綢 绿 綠 green 12 strokes [ edit] 琴 zither 斑 mottled 替 replace 款 kuǎn funds 堪 搭 dā to set up 塔 tǎ tower 越 exceed 趁 to take an opportunity 趋 趨 tend toward 超 super-, surpass 提 tí 堤 dike 博 knowledgeable 揭 uncover 喜 插 insert 揪 to grab from 搜 sōu 煮 援 aid 裁 to cut fabric 搁 擱 to place 搂 摟 lǒu embrace 搅 攪 握 to hold 揉 to rub 斯 期 time period 欺 cheat 联 聯 union 散 sàn disperse 惹 rě 葬 to inter 葛 Kudzu vine 董 dǒng direct 葡 敬 respect 葱 蔥 scallion 落 to fall 朝 cháo 辜 guilt 葵 kuí sunflower 棒 bàng club (tool) 棋 chess 植 森 sēn 椅 chair 椒 chili 棵 counter for trees 棍 gùn stick (tool) 棉 棚 shack 棕 brown 惠 favour 惑 confusion 逼 bī coerce 厨 廚 kitchen 厦 廈 shà tall building 硬 确 確 sure 雁 wild goose 殖 colonise 裂 split 雄 xióng imposing, heroic 暂 暫 zàn temporary 雅 graceful 辈 輩 generation 悲 紫 purple 辉 輝 glorious 敞 赏 賞 to appreciate 掌 palm (hand) 晴 sunny 暑 shǔ hot weather 最 zuì most 量 to measure amount 喷 噴 pēn spurt 晶 crystal 喇 lǎ (combining syllable) 遇 encounter 喊 hǎn shout 景 scenery 践 踐 trample 跌 to fall down 跑 pǎo 遗 遺 蛙 frog 蛛 spider 蜓 dragonfly 喝 hē shout; drink 喂 feed 喘 chuǎn to pant 喉 hóu throat 幅 width 帽 hat 赌 賭 gamble 赔 賠 reimburse 黑 hēi black 铸 鑄 to cast 铺 鋪 to lay 链 鏈 chain 销 銷 锁 鎖 lock 锄 鋤 hoe 锅 鍋 guō wok 锈 銹 rust 锋 鋒 knife edge 锐 銳 ruì sharp 短 duǎn short 智 wise 毯 rug 鹅 鵝 é goose 剩 稍 slight 程 extent 稀 rare 税 稅 shuì tax 筐 kuāng basket 等 děng 筑 築 build 策 tactic 筛 篩 shāi sift 筒 cylinder 答 reply 筋 tendon 筝 箏 kite 傲 ào 傅 mentor 牌 plaque 堡 fortress 集 gather 焦 charred 傍 next to 储 儲 奥 奧 街 street 惩 懲 御 control 禦 循 circulate 艇 舒 comfort 番 times (once, twice, etc) 释 釋 禽 fowl 腊 臘 là twelfth month of the Chinese calender 脾 spleen 腔 body cavity 鲁 魯 rude 猾 猴 monkey 然 rán thus 馋 饞 chán 装 裝 to pack into 蛮 蠻 mán barbarian 就 痛 tòng 童 阔 闊 善 good (vs evil) 羡 envy 普 universal 粪 糞 faeces 尊 zūn 道 曾 at sometime in the past zēng 焰 flame 港 harbour 湖 lake 渣 crumbs 湿 濕 wet 温 溫 wēn warm 渴 thirst 滑 slippery 湾 灣 bay 渡 to cross 游 遊 travel 滋 grow 溉 irrigate 愤 憤 慌 panic 惰 duò lazy 愧 kuì 愉 慨 emotional 割 cut 寒 富 wealth 窜 竄 cuàn scamper 窝 窩 wō nest 窗 window 遍 everywhere 裕 prosperous 裤 褲 trousers 裙 qún skirt 谢 謝 thank 谣 謠 rumour 谦 謙 humble 属 屬 belong to 屡 屢 often 强 強 stubborn qiáng strong 粥 congee 疏 uncrowded 隔 隙 space in between 絮 loose cotton 嫂 elder sister-in-law 登 climb 缎 緞 shiny fabric 缓 緩 huǎn slow 编 編 to braid 骗 騙 swindle 缘 緣 13 strokes [ edit] 瑞 jade implement 魂 肆 摄 攝 absorb, take a photograph 摸 mō touch 填 fill up 搏 wrestle 塌 鼓 drum 摆 擺 lay out 携 攜 bring along 搬 摇 搖 sway 搞 gǎo fiddle with 塘 banks (water) 摊 攤 蒜 suàn garlic 勤 industrious 鹊 鵲 magpie 蓝 藍 blue 墓 tomb 幕 curtain 蓬 unkempt 蓄 蒙 cover, obscure Mongolia 矇 mēng cheat, deceive 濛 misty drizzle 懞 naïve, dull 蒸 献 獻 禁 forbid 楚 clear, stark 想 槐 pagoda tree 榆 elm 楼 樓 lóu floor (of multi-story building) 概 summary 赖 賴 lài rely 酬 reward 感 feel 碍 礙 碑 monument 碎 shatter 碰 pèng bump 碗 bowl 碌 雷 léi thunder 零 zero 雾 霧 fog 雹 báo hailstone 输 輸 督 oversee 龄 齡 age 鉴 鑒, 鑑 scrutiny 鑑, 鑒 mirror 睛 eyeball 睡 睬 take notice of 鄙 look down on 愚 ignorant 暖 nuǎn 盟 league 歇 暗 dark 照 shine 跨 step over 跳 tiào 跪 kneel 路 road 跟 遣 蛾 moth 蜂 bee, wasp 嗓 sǎng 置 罪 sin 罩 错 錯 cuò error 锡 錫 tin 锣 鑼 cymbals 锤 錘 hammer 锦 錦 brocade 键 鍵 key (keyboard) 锯 鋸 saw (tool) 矮 ǎi 辞 辭 farewell 稠 愁 筹 籌 签 簽 籤 short stick, lots 简 簡 simple 毁 毀 destroy 舅 mother's brother 鼠 mouse 催 cuī to harry 傻 shǎ silly 像 resemble 躲 微 tiny 愈 more and more 遥 遙 腰 waist 腥 odour of raw meat 腹 腾 騰 leap 腿 tuǐ leg 触 觸 解 untie 酱 醬 sauce 痰 phlegm 廉 uncorrupt 新 new 韵 韻 rhyme 意 meaning 粮 糧 grains 数 數 count 煎 塑 sculpt 慈 kind 煤 coal 煌 满 滿 mǎn 漠 desert 源 source 滤 濾 filter 滥 濫 滔 gushing 溪 stream 溜 liū slip away 滚 滾 gǔn 滨 濱 river banks 粱 滩 灘 beach 慎 prudent 誉 譽 reputation 塞 sāi cork sài frontier chokepoint 谨 謹 福 群 殿 辟 pì open up 障 obstacle 嫌 嫁 marry 叠 疊 dié fold 缝 縫 sew gap 缠 纏 wind around 14 strokes [ edit] 静 靜 碧 璃 墙 牆 wall 撇 piě cast away 嘉 commend 摧 截 誓 pledge 境 realm 摘 zhāi pluck 摔 聚 蔽 conceal 慕 admire 暮 dusk 蔑 蔑, 衊 libel 模 mó mú mold 榴 pomegranate 榜 announcement board 榨 extract 歌 song 遭 zāo meet with (misfortune) 酷 酿 釀 niàng ferment 酸 suān sour 磁 magnet 愿 願 wish 需 need 弊 disadvantage 裳 颗 顆 counter for round things 嗽 sòu 蜻 蜡 蠟 wax 蝇 蠅 fly (insect) 蜘 赚 賺 earn money 锹 鍬 spade 锻 forge 舞 dance 稳 穩 wěn stable 算 箩 籮 管 pipe 僚 colleague 鼻 bí nose 魄 soul 貌 appearance 膜 membrane 膊 arm 膀 bladder 鲜 鮮 fresh 疑 doubt 馒 饅 mantou 裹 wrap 敲 to hit 豪 talented person 膏 paste (substance) 遮 zhē 腐 瘦 thin 辣 spicy 竭 端 duān endpoint 旗 精 refine 歉 apology 熄 put out (fire) 熔 melt 漆 paint 漂 piāo float around piǎo bleach 漫 màn all over the place 滴 drip 演 to act 漏 lòu 慢 寨 encampment 赛 賽 compete 察 inspect 蜜 honey 谱 譜 music score 嫩 nèn tender 翠 熊 bear (animal) 凳 dèng stool 骡 騾 mule 缩 縮 suō shrink 15 strokes [ edit] 慧 wisdom 撕 tear apart 撒 scatter 趣 interest 趟 counter for trips 撑 播 broadcast 撞 to ram 撤 增 聪 聰 intelligent 鞋 shoe 蕉 banana 蔬 vegetable 横 橫 horizontal 槽 cáo 樱 櫻 cherry 橡 rubber 飘 飄 flutter 醋 vinegar 醉 drunk 震 tremor 霉 黴, 霉 bad luck 瞒 瞞 to cover up (e. truth) 题 題 topic 暴 violent 瞎 影 yǐng shadow 踢 kick 踏 tà 踩 step on 踪 tracks 蝶 butterfly 蝴 嘱 囑 advise 墨 ink 镇 鎮 town 靠 kào rely on 稻 paddy 黎 multitude 稿 draft (e. essay) 稼 箱 箭 arrow 篇 piece of writing 僵 rigid 躺 僻 out-of-the-way 德 virtue 艘 counter for ships 膝 knee 膛 熟 shú cooked 摩 rub 颜 顔 毅 perseverance 糊 遵 obey 潜 dive 潮 tide 懂 额 額 forehead 慰 console 劈 split apart 16 strokes [ edit] 操 cāo grasp 燕 northern Hebei province swallow (bird) 薯 yam, potato 薪 薄 báo, bó thin, meager 颠 顛 diān upside down 橘 orange (fruit) 整 zhěng neaten 融 醒 wake up 餐 嘴 zuǐ 蹄 hoof 器 machine 赠 贈 zèng 默 silent 镜 鏡 赞 讚, 贊 praise 篮 籃 邀 衡 balance 膨 swell 雕 雕, 彫 雕, 鵰 condor 磨 grind 凝 condense 辨 distinguish 辩 辯 debate 糖 sugar 糕 sticky cake 燃 澡 bathe 激 agitate 懒 懶 壁 避 evade 缴 繳 hand over 17 strokes [ edit] 戴 wear (a hat) 擦 cā 鞠 藏 cáng to hide 霜 frost 霞 dawn / dusk glow 瞧 蹈 螺 whorl 穗 tassel 繁 complicated 辫 辮 braided hair 赢 贏 糟 rotten, poor 糠 husks 燥 臂 翼 骤 驟 sudden 18 strokes [ edit] 鞭 whip 覆 overturn 蹦 bèng 镰 鐮 sickle 翻 turn over 鹰 鷹 eagle 19 strokes [ edit] 警 alert 攀 pān 蹲 squat 颤 顫 chàn 瓣 petal 爆 疆 frontier 20 strokes [ edit] 壤 rǎng soil 耀 躁 rash 嚼 jiáo chew 嚷 籍 魔 demon; magic 灌 21 strokes [ edit] 蠢 chǔn stupid 霸 hegemon 露 dew, expose 22 strokes [ edit] 囊 náng bag 23 strokes [ edit] 罐 jar Inferior frequently used characters [ edit] 匕 ladle 刁 artful 丐 歹 dǎi 戈 dagger 夭 untimely death 仑 侖 讥 譏 mock 冗 rǒng extraneous 邓 鄧 艾 aì mugwort 夯 hāng heavy load 凸 convex 卢 盧 叭 "ba" sound 叽 grumble 皿 dish 凹 āo concave 囚 prisoner 矢 乍 unexpectedly 尔 爾 thou 冯 馮 玄 mysterious 邦 state, nation 迂 yū literal-minded 邢 芋 taro 芍 peony 吏 official, mandarin 夷 吁 籲 implore 吕 吆 屹 high as a mountain 廷 palace courtyard 迄 up to now 臼 mortar 仲 second in seniority 伦 倫 human relations 伊 he, she, a surname 肋 rib 旭 rising sun 匈 thorax 凫 鳧 mallard 妆 妝 adornment 亥 boar 汛 讳 諱 taboo 讶 訝 astonished 讹 訛 cheat; false 讼 訟 诀 訣 secret formula 弛 loosen; unstring a bow 阱 pit 驮 馱 duò, tuo2 carry on back 驯 馴 tame 纫 紉 stitch, sew 玖 nine (used in documents) 玛 瑪 a variety of quartz 韧 韌 tough, resilient 抠 摳 kōu pick; carve 扼 grip, guard 汞 mercury 扳 pull (trigger) 抡 掄 lūn; lún sweeping gesture; select 坎 small pit 坞 塢 entrenchment, depression 抑 repress 拟 擬 draft, plan 抒 express, pour out 芙 芜 蕪 overgrowth of weeds 苇 葦 芥 jiè, gài mustard 芯 芭 杖 cane, staff 杉 shān, shā species of fir 巫 witch, a surname 杈 chà; chā branch of a tree; pitchfork 甫 only, at first; courteous title (used in former times) 匣 small box 轩 軒 lofty; carriage (of former times) 卤 鹵 rock salt; sauce, stew 肖 吱 squeak, chirp 吠 to bark 呕 嘔 ǒu; òu expel; vomit 呐 吶 shout, cry 吟 hum, recite 呛 嗆 choke, pungent 吻 kiss 吭 háng; kēng throat; make a sound 邑 囤 tún; dùn to store; storage for grain 吮 shǔn suck 岖 嶇 rugged 牡 佑 bless, protect 佃 rent land, farmer tenant 伺 cì, sì wait on 囱 囪 chimney 肛 anus 肘 zhǒu elbow 甸 imperial domain, suburb 狈 狽 distressed, wretched 鸠 鳩 turtledove 彤 灸 moxibustion 刨 páo; bào dig; plane 庇 protect, cover 吝 lìn stingy 庐 廬 hut 闰 閏 odd day in the calendar, leap year 兑 兌 devilish; exchange, convert 灼 brilliant; scorch, burn 沐 bathe, cleanse; receive favors 沛 plentiful 汰 wash out 沥 瀝 沦 淪 perish 汹 洶 torrential rush, tumultuous 沧 滄 blue, cold 沪 滬 Hù Shanghai 忱 诅 詛 curse, swear 诈 詐 罕 屁 buttocks 坠 墜 zhuì fall 妓 prostitute 姊 elder sister 妒 be jealous 纬 緯 latitude 玫 卦 坷 坯 拓 坪 坤 拄 拧 拂 拙 拇 拗 茉 昔 苛 苫 苟 苞 茁 苔 枉 枢 枚 枫 杭 郁 矾 奈 奄 殴 歧 卓 昙 哎 咕 呵 咙 呻 咒 咆 咖 帕 账 贬 贮 氛 秉 岳 侠 侥 侣 侈 卑 刽 刹 肴 觅 忿 瓮 肮 肪 狞 庞 疟 疙 疚 卒 氓 炬 沽 沮 泣 泞 泌 沼 怔 怯 宠 宛 衩 祈 诡 帚 屉 弧 弥 陋 陌 函 姆 虱 叁 绅 驹 绊 绎 契 贰 玷 玲 珊 拭 拷 拱 挟 垢 垛 拯 荆 茸 茬 荚 茵 茴 荞 荠 荤 荧 荔 栈 柑 栅 柠 枷 勃 柬 砂 泵 砚 鸥 轴 韭 虐 昧 盹 咧 昵 昭 盅 勋 哆 咪 哟 幽 钙 钝 钠 钦 钧 钮 毡 氢 秕 俏 俄 俐 侯 徊 衍 胚 胧 胎 狰 饵 峦 奕 咨 飒 闺 闽 籽 娄 烁 炫 洼 柒 涎 洛 恃 恍 恬 恤 宦 诫 诬 祠 诲 屏 屎 逊 陨 姚 娜 蚤 骇 耘 耙 秦 匿 埂 捂 捍 袁 捌 挫 挚 捣 捅 埃 耿 聂 荸 莽 莱 莉 莹 莺 梆 栖 桦 栓 桅 桩 贾 酌 砸 砰 砾 殉 逞 哮 唠 哺 剔 蚌 蚜 畔 蚣 蚪 蚓 哩 圃 鸯 唁 哼 唆 峭 唧 峻 赂 赃 钾 铆 氨 秫 笆 俺 赁 倔 殷 耸 舀 豺 豹 颁 胯 胰 脐 脓 逛 卿 鸵 鸳 馁 凌 凄 衷 郭 斋 疹 紊 瓷 羔 烙 浦 涡 涣 涤 涧 涕 涩 悍 悯 窍 诺 诽 袒 谆 祟 恕 娩 骏 琐 麸 琉 琅 措 捺 捶 赦 埠 捻 掐 掂 掖 掷 掸 掺 勘 聊 娶 菱 菲 萎 菩 萤 乾 萧 萨 菇 彬 梗 梧 梭 曹 酝 酗 厢 硅 硕 奢 盔 匾 颅 彪 眶 晤 曼 晦 冕 啡 畦 趾 啃 蛆 蚯 蛉 蛀 唬 啰 唾 啤 啥 啸 崎 逻 崔 崩 婴 赊 铐 铛 铝 铡 铣 铭 矫 秸 秽 笙 笤 偎 傀 躯 兜 衅 徘 徙 舶 舷 舵 敛 翎 脯 逸 凰 猖 祭 烹 庶 庵 痊 阎 阐 眷 焊 焕 鸿 涯 淑 淌 淮 淆 渊 淫 淳 淤 淀 涮 涵 惦 悴 惋 寂 窒 谍 谐 裆 袱 祷 谒 谓 谚 尉 堕 隅 婉 颇 绰 绷 综 绽 缀 巢 琳 琢 琼 揍 堰 揩 揽 揖 彭 揣 搀 搓 壹 搔 葫 募 蒋 蒂 韩 棱 椰 焚 椎 棺 榔 椭 粟 棘 酣 酥 硝 硫 颊 雳 翘 凿 棠 晰 鼎 喳 遏 晾 畴 跋 跛 蛔 蜒 蛤 鹃 喻 啼 喧 嵌 赋 赎 赐 锉 锌 甥 掰 氮 氯 黍 筏 牍 粤 逾 腌 腋 腕 猩 猬 惫 敦 痘 痢 痪 竣 翔 奠 遂 焙 滞 湘 渤 渺 溃 溅 湃 愕 惶 寓 窖 窘 雇 谤 犀 隘 媒 媚 婿 缅 缆 缔 缕 骚 瑟 鹉 瑰 搪 聘 斟 靴 靶 蓖 蒿 蒲 蓉 楔 椿 楷 榄 楞 楣 酪 碘 硼 碉 辐 辑 频 睹 睦 瞄 嗜 嗦 暇 畸 跷 跺 蜈 蜗 蜕 蛹 嗅 嗡 嗤 署 蜀 幌 锚 锥 锨 锭 锰 稚 颓 筷 魁 衙 腻 腮 腺 鹏 肄 猿 颖 煞 雏 馍 馏 禀 痹 廓 痴 靖 誊 漓 溢 溯 溶 滓 溺 寞 窥 窟 寝 褂 裸 谬 媳 嫉 缚 缤 剿 赘 熬 赫 蔫 摹 蔓 蔗 蔼 熙 蔚 兢 榛 榕 酵 碟 碴 碱 碳 辕 辖 雌 墅 嘁 踊 蝉 嘀 幔 镀 舔 熏 箍 箕 箫 舆 僧 孵 瘩 瘟 彰 粹 漱 漩 漾 慷 寡 寥 谭 褐 褪 隧 嫡 缨 撵 撩 撮 撬 擒 墩 撰 鞍 蕊 蕴 樊 樟 橄 敷 豌 醇 磕 磅 碾 憋 嘶 嘲 嘹 蝠 蝎 蝌 蝗 蝙 嘿 幢 镊 镐 稽 篓 膘 鲤 鲫 褒 瘪 瘤 瘫 凛 澎 潭 潦 澳 潘 澈 澜 澄 憔 懊 憎 翩 褥 谴 鹤 憨 履 嬉 豫 缭 撼 擂 擅 act without consultation, be expert at 蕾 bud 薛 Xuē 薇 rose; a type of fern 擎 翰 writing brush, writing, a surname 噩 shocking 橱 櫥 cabinet 橙 orange 瓢 piáo 磺 sulphur; brimstone 霍 suddenly 霎 a light rain; instant, passing 辙 轍 furrowed track; rut 冀 hope, a surname 蹂 trample on 蟆 toad 螃 crab 螟 kind of caterpillar, larva 噪 chirp; noise 鹦 鸚 parrot 黔 black; name for Guizhou 穆 篡 usurp 篷 篙 pole for propelling boat manually 篱 籬 wooden fence, hedge 儒 scholar, Confucian 膳 鲸 鯨 whale 瘾 癮 addiction 瘸 qué lame 糙 coarse 燎 liáo, liǎo 濒 瀕 be on verge of 憾 懈 lax 窿 cavity; deficit 缰 韁 reins, harness 壕 trench 藐 disdain 檬 lemon 檐 eaves of house, brim 檩 lǐn cross-beam 檀 sandalwood 礁 reef, shoal rock 磷 phosphorous 瞭 watch 瞬 wink 瞳 pupil (of the eye) 瞪 stare at 曙 bright (of sunlight) 蹋 蟋 cricket 蟀 嚎 howl 赡 贍 financial aid 镣 liao4 bound, confined 魏 a surname, name of a dynasty 簇 swarm, cluster 儡 injure; puppet 徽 emblem, logo; Anhui 爵 nobility 朦 hazy, misty 臊 sào strong smell, rancid 鳄 鱷 crocodile; alligator 糜 dissolved; rice-gruel; wasted 癌 ái cancer 懦 nuò coward 豁 open, liberal-minded huō opening, crack 臀 藕 lotus root 藤 rattan cane 瞻 gaze 嚣 囂 outcry, uproar 鳍 鰭 fins 癞 癩 scab 瀑 waterfall 襟 lapel; in one's heart, aspiration 璧 jade with hole in center (used in ceremony) 戳 chuō stamp (a seal) 攒 攢 zǎn hoard 孽 niè bastard; ill-omen 蘑 mushroom 藻 aquatic plants (as seaweed, algae, kelp) 鳖 鱉 biē turtle 蹭 cèng scrape; dilly-dally 蹬 tread on 簸 bǒ jostle, separate wheat from chaff 簿 ledger 蟹 靡 癣 癬 ringworm 羹 鬓 鬢 bìn hair on temple 攘 蠕 worm, wriggle 巍 majestic 鳞 鱗 scales of fish 糯 glutinous rice 譬 analogy 霹 clap of thunder 躏 躪 violate 髓 suǐ marrow 蘸 dip into 镶 鑲 inlay, set (as jewels) 瓤 ráng pulp 24 strokes [ edit] 矗 lofty This work is a translation and has a separate copyright status to the applicable copyright protections of the original content. 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Want some real horror go watch SICCIN series on you tube freely, turkey movie.
The Smile Tho😣. O&bs~ede"nost On the page Watch Obsedenost Episodes Online. Obsedenost' 2018) English Full Movie Stream Online trailer Watch Obsedenost Online HDQ... Doctor probably had a history of depression or something like that to have those pills... 你喜歡這套電影嗎? 導演: 科娜斯芝絲蒙狄 演員: 麥肯絲戴維斯、芬禾夫克、布魯克林普詩、芭芭拉馬頓 片長: 1小時35分 級別: IIB 級 語言: 英語 (中英文字幕) 上映: 13. 2. 2020 (公映) 故事簡介 新任保姆姬蒂(麥肯絲戴維斯 飾)來到一座位於偏僻郊區的豪宅,負責照顧剛成孤兒的小女孩花拉(布魯克林普詩 飾)和她的哥哥邁奧(芬禾夫克 飾)。然而工作並非如想像般容易,女管家的無故敵視、花拉和邁奧的詭異行徑不但令姬蒂心煩意亂,更隱隱透露出這座陰森大宅的黑暗過去。當詭堡內接連發生靈異事件,姬蒂開始懷疑兩名小孩受到屋內的邪靈影響,更逐漸發現自己已經被「它」盯上…… 版本: 上映戲院 電影劇照 觀眾留言.
凶宅疑童 完整版本 (2020-HD) The Turning 完整版觀看電影在線小鴨 完整的電影, 【凶宅疑童】▷完整版[2020]-[The Turning]線上看完整版, 凶宅疑童完整版本2020(The Turning完整版)下載, 凶宅疑童。流電影【2020-BLURAY】全高清[The Turning]完成在線《HD. 1080P|720P》, 如何在線流電影凶宅疑童[The Turning]香港字幕最佳質量240P|360P|480P|720P完整版(BLURAY-DUB), 凶宅疑童在线观看~【The Turning】~2020电影完整版. ======================================== 流字幕中國 >> STREAM ENGLISH SUB >> ======================================== 故事簡介: 新任保姆姬蒂(麥肯絲戴維斯 飾)來到一座位於偏僻郊區的豪宅,負責照顧剛成孤兒的小女孩花拉(布魯克林普詩 飾)和她的哥哥邁奧(芬禾夫克 飾)。然而工作並非如想像般容易,女管家的無故敵視、花拉和邁奧的詭異行徑不但令姬蒂心煩意亂,更隱隱透露出這座陰森大宅的黑暗過去。當詭堡內接連發生靈異事件,姬蒂開始懷疑兩名小孩受到屋內的邪靈影響,更逐漸發現自己已經被「它」盯上…… #凶宅疑童▷(完整版小鴨)[2020,HD]完整版本【HD. 1080P】~免費下載~ [可播放] HD [凶宅疑童,2020] 凶宅疑童 (完整版小鴨)[2020,HD] 完整版本 凶宅疑童(2020, 完整版)線上看 凶宅疑童2020 完整版小鴨 — 線上看(2020) 【凶宅疑童】-線上看小鴨 完整版[2020-HD]〜[可玩]免費下載高清|1080P|-全高清高清电影-在线观看 原標題: The Turning 標題: 凶宅疑童 導演:科娜斯芝絲蒙狄 演員:麥肯絲戴維斯、芬禾夫克、布魯克林普詩、芭芭拉馬頓 片長:1小時35分 級別:IIB 級 語言:英語 (中英文字幕) 上映:13. 2. 2020 (公映) 凶宅疑童 完整電影【HD-1080p】線上看《The Turning 》HD-2020完整版本[流媒體]/凶宅疑童 在线观看【HD. 1080p】/在线观看HD【凶宅疑童 】完整版/凶宅疑童 【hd~1080p】線上看電影(2020)/線上看 高清 香港, 观看凶宅疑童 电影高清1080p/在线观看凶宅疑童 电影, /The Turning (2020)以HD-1080p*视频质量在线播放完整电影/凶宅疑童 版在线下载/凶宅疑童 电影观看/凶宅疑童 影完整版/凶宅疑童 完整版[2020-HD]/The Turning 完整版在線~|1080P|完整版本HD-1080P/凶宅疑童 流線上看電影{2020}完整版本/【The Turning 】~線上看電影1080P在線觀看-高清電影【星际救援】完整版小鴨/The Turning (2020)完整版本免費下載 TAG: 凶宅疑童2020 線上看 《凶宅疑童》 2020在线 凶宅疑童 1080P 下載 凶宅疑童 免費線上看電影 凶宅疑童 電影線上 facebook 線上看凶宅疑童 韓劇 凶宅疑童 電影線上 拖車 凶宅疑童 線上看 bl 凶宅疑童 dramaq 線上看 凶宅疑童 youtube 電影 線上看 凶宅疑童 disney 電影 線上看 凶宅疑童 dmax 線上看 凶宅疑童 yahoo電影 凶宅疑童 HK電影 凶宅疑童 電影HD 凶宅疑童 2020電影 凶宅疑童电影在线2020年 凶宅疑童(2020)在线观看 凶宅疑童[2020]观看和下载 凶宅疑童[2020, HD]观看和下载 凶宅疑童 singapora(2020) 完整版 凶宅疑童線上看| 2020最新電影| 小鴨影音 凶宅疑童 完整版 IMDB, 凶宅疑童 完整版 DOWBAN, 凶宅疑童 完整版 流, 凶宅疑童 完整版 看, 凶宅疑童 完整版 720p, 凶宅疑童 完整版 1080p, 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning] 線上看(2020) 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning] 台灣上映 2020 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning] (2020) 線上看 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning] 線上(2020 HD) 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning] 2020 電影完整版 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning] 2020 線上 完整版 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning]-完整版 小鴨 2020 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning] 免費在線觀看(2020) 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning] [2020] 線上完整版 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning] 线上看(2020)完整版 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning] 線上 [2020] 完整版 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning] (2020)免費線上看電影 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning] 線上看線上(2020)完整版 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning]-HD 完整版 小鴨 [2020] 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning] 上看2020 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning] HD|1080p|4K| 香港流媒體 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning] 2020完整版 小鴨 () 凶宅疑童 [ The Turning] 2020 線上看電影粵語-流-下載完整版本 凶宅疑童 完整版 HINDI, 凶宅疑童 完整版 CHINESE, 凶宅疑童 完整版 US, 凶宅疑童 完整版 看電影, 凶宅疑童 完整版 在線觀看, 凶宅疑童 完整版 流 HD, 凶宅疑童 完整版 免費下載, 凶宅疑童 完整版 所有電影, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning 澳門上映, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning2020上映, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning HD線上看, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning 線上看小鴨, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning 电影完整版, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning 線上看下載, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning 2020 下載, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning小鴨影音, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning 香港上映, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning 線上看完整版, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning 線上看完整版小鴨, #(2020)完整版本, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning|1080P|完整版本, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning线上看(2020)完整版, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning線上看(2020)完整版, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning線上小鴨, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning線上看小鴨影音, #《凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning》 線上看電影(2020), #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning (電影)2020年再次觀看電影, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning線上看|2020上映|完整版小鴨|線上看小鴨|, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning 上看, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning主題曲, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning 完整版本, #凶宅疑童 ~ The Turning2020 線上看,.
I still like the conjuring movies more! Love watching scary movies with my husband 😬. Pixiv will revise its privacy policy on May 16, 2018. The contents become clearer and correspond to the new European privacy protection law. Details. So this is what happened to Emily after the liars split up... I think the stalking of Charlotte D'Laurentis is more scary. It was all fun and games until i felt like going to pee. Watch Obsedenost moVIe subtitle.